Apply here as chair until 16/02:

What are the tasks of a Chair?
The chairs are moderating the committees. There will be two chairs and two topics per committee. As a chair, you will be required to write a study guide for one of the committee topics and send it by the 31st of February 2025. Please find further information on the Committees and the Committee topics here on our Website.
You will also receive short abstracts from the delegates in your committee about the position of the country they represent. The delegates are representing one country in one of the three committees of the Model African Union Conference 2025, which you can find on the right.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact the admissions department:
What are the committees?
The following three Committees will be held in person in Bayreuth, Germany
STCs (AU) BAYMAU25 Conference:
1) Specialized Technical Committee on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration (STC – ETTIM)
2) Specialized Technical Committee on Education, Science and Technology (STC – EST)
3) Specialized Technical Committee on Gender and Women’s Empowerment (STC – GEWE)
Find more information on the Committees and Topics here.