Permanent Representatives Committee – PRC

The Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) includes representatives of all AU Member States, aiming to facilitate communication between the African Union Commission (AUC) and Member States’ capitals. It conducts the day-to-day business of the AU on behalf of the Assembly and Executive Council, reports to the Executive Council, prepares the Council’s work and acts on its instructions. Therefor it makes recommendations on areas of common interest to Member States and drafts decisions to be constitutionalised and implemented by the Council. Furthermore, it monitors the implementation of the AU budget.

Specialised Technical Committee on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (STC – GEWE)

The Specialized Technical Committee on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (STC – GEWE) was established by the Commission during the 5th Ordinary Session of AU Ministers in Charge of Gender and Women’s Affairs. It convened for the first time in 2015. Its objectives are to advocate the full equality between men and women and the realisation of the human rights of women. As a Technical Committee it is to ensure supervision, follow up and evaluate the progress of decisions taken by the organs of the Union. In this case these are mainly the new AU Gender Strategy, the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA) and the AU Gender Communications Strategy. Furthermore, it is to give recommendations to the Executive Council to drive forward their implementation.

Peace and Security Council – PSC

The Peace and Security Council was established by the Assembly of the African Union in 2003. The purpose of its creation was to establish an organ, which is able deal with issues regarding peace, security and stability in Africa in an efficient manner. Its key powers are the prevention of conflicts and preventive diplomacy, the management and the resolution of conflicts and crisis situations as well as the encouragement of peace-building. The Pease and Security Council consists of 15 members, who are chosen according to regional criteria, including the principle of equitable national rotation, while five among its members are elected for a three-years term and ten for a two-years term.

Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change – CAHOSCC

The Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change is a sub-committee to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government and was established in 2009, with 10 members. Through this committee the AU intends to discuss issues concerning climate change, furthermore the committee functions as Africa’s representative of climate change related policies. The committee is working on strategies to deal with climate change in Africa and on climate change related agreements between states and regional and international institutions. The CAHOSCC’s aims are the prevention of climate change and to find ways to combat the effects of climate change.

Further Information on the Committees

More Information on PRC
More Information on PSC
More Information on Specialised Technical Committees
More Information on CAHOSCC